Applied Microbes Organizing Committee
Marina Sidorenko
Leading Researcher
East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity FEB RAS
Biography: In 2004, Marina Sidorenko defended her thesis in two specialties: soil ReadMore...
Research Interest: Applied Microbiology, Soil Microbiome, Sanitary Microbiology
Maria Elena M. Neyra-Tanabe
Assistant Professor
Uniservity of Southern Mindanao
Biography: Maria Elena M. Neyra-Tanabe has completed her doctoral degree in Micro ReadMore...
Research Interest: Food safety of aquaculture products, Food Fermentation, Bioc ReadMore...
Whei-Fen Wu
Associate Professor
Natioanl Taiwan University
Biography: Whei-Fen Wu has completed her PhD in Microbiology major from Universit ReadMore...
Research Interest: Microbial and Bacteria Physiology, Biotechnology, Agricultur ReadMore...
Hari Nathan
NMSSVN College
Biography: Hari Nathan has been working as a professor in NMSSVN College.
Research Interest: Beneficial microbes, Rhizosphere, Plant pathogens