Call for Abstract

9th World Conference on Applied Microbiology and Beneficial Microbes, will be organized around the theme “The Latest & Future Developments in Applied Microbiology are explored”

Applied Microbes 2024 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Applied Microbes 2024

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Medical microbiology delves into the unseen world of microorganisms, deciphering their impact on human health. This field identifies, studies, and combats infectious agents like bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause diseases. By understanding their behavior, transmission, and mechanisms, medical microbiologists develop diagnostics, treatments, and preventive strategies. From the relentless fight against global pandemics to unraveling the mysteries of emerging infections, medical microbiology plays a pivotal role in safeguarding public health and shaping medical interventions that save lives.

  • Track 1-1Antimicrobial Resistance and Therapy
  • Track 1-2Viral Pathogenesis and Antiviral Strategies
  • Track 1-3Microbial Diagnostics and Detection Methods

Agricultural microbiology delves into the intricate relationship between microorganisms and soil health. Beneath our feet, a hidden world of bacteria, fungi, and other microbes performs vital roles. These tiny allies enhance nutrient cycling, promote plant growth, and suppress harmful pathogens. They improve soil structure, water retention, and nutrient availability, fostering sustainable and productive agriculture. Understanding and harnessing the power of these microbes offer innovative ways to optimize crop yields, reduce chemical inputs, and ensure food security while maintaining the health of our planet's most precious resource soil.

  • Track 2-1Plant Growth-Promoting Microorganisms
  • Track 2-2Microbial Nitrogen Fixation and Soil Fertility
  • Track 2-3Beneficial Microbes in Crop Protection

Food microbiology plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and quality of our meals. Microorganisms, like bacteria and molds, can contaminate food, leading to spoilage or even foodborne illnesses. Rigorous testing and hygiene practices are essential to prevent harmful microorganisms from proliferating. Techniques like pasteurization and canning preserve food by destroying or removing spoilage microbes. Moreover, probiotics contribute to gut health when consumed. By understanding and controlling microbial interactions in food, we enhance consumer well-being.

  • Track 3-1Probiotics and Functional Foods
  • Track 3-2Microbial Spoilage and Shelf-Life Extension
  • Track 3-3Foodborne Pathogens and Control Strategies

Environmental microbiology delves into the hidden world of microorganisms shaping Earth's ecosystems. From soil to oceans, these microscopic life forms drive nutrient cycling, break down pollutants, and maintain ecological balance. Bacteria, fungi, and archaea play pivotal roles in bioremediation, purifying water and soil. They also impact climate patterns through greenhouse gas interactions. Advances in DNA sequencing unveil microbial diversity and functions, unlocking insights into environmental health. Understanding these tiny heroes empowers us to conserve biodiversity, manage pollution, and mitigate climate change, emphasizing the profound influence of these unseen actors on our planet's past, present, and future.

  • Track 4-1Microbial Biogeochemistry
  • Track 4-2Microbes in Extreme Environments
  • Track 4-3Microbes in Extreme Environments
  • Track 4-4Microbial Contributions to Bioremediation

Microbial genomics and bioinformatics unravel the genetic blueprints of microorganisms, from bacteria to viruses. This marriage of biology and data science deciphers their DNA, revealing insights into evolution, functions, and interactions. Bioinformatics tools analyze vast genetic data, aiding drug discovery, personalized medicine, and understanding microbial roles in ecosystems. Unveiling microbial secrets at the molecular level, this field propels breakthroughs across medicine, agriculture, and environmental management. With every genetic sequence decoded, new possibilities emerge for harnessing microorganisms to transform industries and tackle global challenges.

  • Track 5-1Metagenomics and Metatranscriptomics
  • Track 5-2Comparative Microbial Genomics
  • Track 5-3Functional Annotation of Microbial Genomes

Synthetic biology and genetic engineering reshape living organisms for innovative applications. By constructing artificial DNA sequences, researchers engineer cells to perform novel functions. This revolutionizes medicine, creating customized therapies and accurate disease diagnoses. In agriculture, crops are fortified against pests and environmental stress. Microbes are tailored to produce biofuels, bioplastics, and more sustainably. Ethical and safety concerns are pivotal, necessitating rigorous oversight. As these fields evolve, they promise breakthroughs that redefine human capabilities and open doors to a future where biology is a malleable tool for addressing global challenges.

  • Track 6-1Genetic Circuits and Pathway Engineering
  • Track 6-2Synthetic Microbial Consortia
  • Track 6-3Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Synthetic Biology

Microbes are fundamental to human health and well-being. The human microbiome, a diverse community of microorganisms living in and on our bodies, influences digestion, immune responses, and even mental health. Beneficial bacteria in the gut aid in nutrient absorption and protect against harmful pathogens. Probiotics, live microbes consumed as supplements or in foods like yogurt, promote digestive health. Research into the microbiome's role in various diseases is opening new avenues for personalized medicine. Understanding these intricate microbial interactions holds the potential to revolutionize healthcare, offering novel approaches to treat and prevent illnesses while enhancing overall well-being.

  • Track 7-1Gut Microbiota and Health
  • Track 7-2Microbiome-Immune System Interactions
  • Track 7-3Microbial Therapies for Chronic Diseases

Microbial diversity encompasses a vast array of microscopic life forms, including bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses. These tiny organisms inhabit every corner of our planet, from deep-sea hydrothermal vents to extreme desert environments. Taxonomy, the classification of these organisms, helps us understand their relationships, functions, and evolutionary history. Modern techniques like DNA sequencing unveil the hidden richness of microbial communities, unveiling novel species and genetic insights. This microscopic world's exploration enhances our comprehension of life's complexity and its impact on ecosystems, human health, and biotechnological advancements.

  • Track 8-1Microbial Systematics and Classification
  • Track 8-2Exploring Cryptic Microbial Diversity
  • Track 8-3Molecular Methods for Microbial Taxonomy

Microbes are indispensable in industry and bioprocessing, driving innovation across sectors. Their unique abilities to produce enzymes, metabolites, and bioactive compounds fuel biotechnology advancements. In food production, they ferment ingredients, enhance flavors, and extend shelf life. Microbes play a pivotal role in pharmaceuticals, synthesizing antibiotics and therapeutic proteins. They are harnessed in bioremediation, breaking down pollutants, and in bioenergy, generating sustainable fuels. As tools of precision engineering, microbes are tailored for specific tasks through genetic modification. With their versatile applications, microbes continue to shape a greener, healthier industrial landscape.

  • Track 9-1Microbial Enzymes for Industrial Applications
  • Track 9-2Fermentation Process Optimization
  • Track 9-3 Bioprocessing for High-Value Compounds

Microbial ecology studies the intricate interactions between microorganisms and their environments. These microorganisms, including bacteria, archaea, and fungi, form diverse communities that drive essential processes in every ecosystem. Community dynamics involve complex relationships, from symbiotic partnerships to competitive interactions. These dynamics influence nutrient cycling, disease prevalence, and ecosystem stability. Advances in sequencing technologies enable in-depth exploration of microbial communities, revealing their roles in maintaining ecological balance. Understanding microbial ecology enhances our grasp of Earth's intricate web of life and informs strategies for environmental conservation and biotechnological applications.


  • Track 10-1Microbial Interaction Networks
  • Track 10-2Microbial Succession in Ecosystems
  • Track 10-3 Microbial Communities in Disturbed Habitats

Microbes, the tiniest life forms, are making a monumental impact on biomedicine. They are vital for producing antibiotics, vaccines, and therapeutic proteins. Their genetic manipulation yields customized organisms that create essential medications efficiently. Probiotics, a subset of microbes, promote gut health and overall wellness. Cutting-edge research explores using microbes to target specific diseases, paving the way for personalized treatments. As microscopic workhorses, microbes are redefining healthcare, offering innovative solutions to humanity's health challenges.


  • Track 11-1Microbial Therapeutics for Disease Treatment
  • Track 11-2Microbes in Tissue Engineering and Regeneration
  • Track 11-3 Microbial Biosensors and Diagnostic Tools

Microorganisms are masters of adaptation, swiftly adjusting to changing environments. Through mechanisms like mutation and horizontal gene transfer, they acquire new traits that ensure survival. In response to environmental stressors, such as temperature fluctuations or antibiotic exposure, microbes alter their genetic makeup to thrive. This adaptability is evident in extremophiles that inhabit extreme conditions, from acidic hot springs to deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Understanding microbial adaptation not only sheds light on evolutionary processes but also inspires innovations in biotechnology and medicine, offering insights into combating drug resistance and developing resilient crops.


  • Track 12-1Rapid Microbial Evolution in Response to Stress
  • Track 12-2Microbial Adaptations to Climate Change
  • Track 12-3Microbial Resilience in Polluted Environments

Microbial diversity, found in every corner of Earth, holds untapped potential for bioprospecting. These microscopic organisms encompass bacteria, archaea, fungi, and more, each with unique biochemical capabilities. Bioprospecting involves exploring these diverse microbial communities for novel enzymes, bioactive compounds, and traits that can be harnessed for industrial, medical, and environmental applications. From extremophiles thriving in harsh environments to symbiotic microbes within plants and animals, unlocking their secrets could yield breakthroughs in medicine, biotechnology, and sustainable resource management. Microbial diversity offers a treasure trove of solutions waiting to be discovered and harnessed for the benefit of humanity.

  • Track 13-1Microbial Diversity Hotspots and Exploration
  • Track 13-2 Mining Microbial Genomes for Novel Compounds
  • Track 13-3 Biodiscovery of Bioactive Molecules

Microbial technologies drive sustainable development by harnessing microorganisms' potential. In agriculture, they enhance soil quality, boost crop yields, and reduce reliance on harmful chemicals. Bioremediation employs microbes to detoxify polluted environments effectively. In healthcare, microorganisms produce medicines and aid in disease diagnostics. These technologies also create eco-friendly alternatives, like biofuels and bioplastics. As we tackle global challenges, from food security to environmental preservation, microbial innovations offer pathways to a more sustainable future.

  • Track 14-1Microbial Innovations in Waste Management
  • Track 14-2Microbial Contributions to Renewable Energy
  • Track 14-3 Sustainable Agriculture through Microbial Interventions